Dan Mick’s Moab Jeep Tours

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As of March 27th we have a new reservation system. Please let me know if you have any problems with it. Thank You.

Book Your Jeep Adventure Trip With Us In Moab, Utah!

Here at Dan Mick's Guided Jeep Tours, we have a flawless safety record that has stood strong for more than 35 years. We plan on making that record stand strong forever! We take safety very seriously. Our guides are seasoned veterans of Jeeping in Moab. Our equipment is heavily upgraded and maintained. We specialize in working with nervous people. Hell’s Revenge is our #1 trail. On our tour other companies stop and watch us effortlessly do the fun obstacles!!! If you do not want to do the extreme routs you can select the "Private Tour Option" then we can take the trail at your pace. *Tour Price is Per person. Some of our jeeps are custom made to fit more people. we have jeeps that are literally 2 jeeps welded together. We call them the Jeepousines. We can fit 5 adults very comfortably in them. The other jeeps fit 4 adults and 2 kids comfortably.  If you absolutely do not want to do Hell's Revenge, I would recommend the Hoorah Pass Trail for just a scenic off-road drive. The reservation system has an alternative trail listing for various different trails some of which have add on pricing per vehicle. for example, Moab Rim is $100 extra per group booking. Hotel and campground pickup is available upon request for those that need it.

Bottled water and snacks are provided on the 3-hour tour.

Economy Tour (1 1/2 hours)

  • Adults $110
  • $70 Youth 14 years and younger

HHalf Day Tour (3ish hours long)3

  • $160 Adults
  • $110Youth 14 years and younger

Full day (6 ish hours)

  • $320 Adults
  • $220 Youth 14 years and younger

Follow us in your own vehicle (Vehicle not provided)

Must call.

(435) 259-4567

for pricing.

Factors such as skill level, vehicle level, and trail level will determine your pricing

All rates plus tax, and fees. We have a small land use fee and a small booking fee.

* Optional obstacles are additional cost. $100 for escalator and $50 for mickeys Hot tub.

Book Now!

or call us at (435) 259-4567

What Makes Dan Mick Tours So Special?

  • a group of people standing next to a jeep with a river in the background .



Seriously, Dan Mick is the one who built some of the trails. Mickeys Hot Tub, The Gates of Hell, and Escalator obstacles were pioneered by Dan. Jeeping in Moab would not be what it is today without Dan Mick's Guided Jeep Tours. Dans early effort fighting to keep the trails open were crucial to the sport. YOU WILL NOT FIND ANYONE WHO HAS DONE THE TRAILS IN MOAB MORE THAN DAN MICK AND HIS TEAM. No other company comes close to the number of times we have done these trails.

We Do The Driving!

I understand the appeal of the U-Drive tours, but simply put they are a watered-down version of the trail. We can do so much more if we drive than if we opened it up to you driving. We are highly skilled and experienced at driving off road. We are the most capable tour company in Moab. We have unique jeeps build specifically for driving the toughest of obstacles forward and backwards. Our guides are dedicated to maintaining the trails and making sure everyone exploring the backcountry is safe. Other tour companies stop to watch us do the fun obstacles. Some obstacles are additional pricing.

  • a jeep is driving up a rocky hillside

  • a group of people are standing in a circle talking to each other .


Family owned and operated! Veteran owned and operated!

We are a small family-owned business. When you book with us you are investing in our family's future. I know it is a little cliché, but it is true. This business takes several members of our family to run. We do not have any other jobs, nor do we offer any other activities. We are the BEST at what we do. We limit the number of jeeps out at a time to 3 to keep the feel on the tour cozy. Book now we fill up fast! Keeping our company to just family and close friends helps keep everyone safe. Dan served in the Air Force.

Cutting Edge Equipment

Our Jeeps are highly customized for off-road adventure. We partner with some of the world's leading innovators in off-road equipment. Go to our Sponsors page to discover the revolutionary designs and concepts we have contributed to. Some of our jeeps are 2 jeeps welded together. This gives us unparalleled advantages climbing the rocks. It also allows us to fit 5 adult passengers well. We have other jeeps that fit 4 adults and 2 kids.

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Our Favorite Trail!

The Hells Revenge trail is officially split up into two different trails. Hells Revenge, and Tiptoe Through Hell. A ride where you drive yourself would lead to not officially doing the true trail. It is best to ride with us, the professionals, to experience the trail to the max, or ask us to tame it down for any nervous passengers.

Read more about our Favorite Trail and options:

When Only The Best Will Do!!

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Book your fun-filled jeep adventure tour of the beautiful Moab, Utah landscape today. Click here to get started!

  • a group of people standing in front of a jeep with a river in the background


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